Trademark / Brand Name |
Class(es) |
LILYS of london |
25 |
LION BRAND +face of lion |
19, 30 |
LIONS L +face of 2 lions |
20 |
LIPDAN BEEDI +face of girl |
34 |
LODHA centre of excellence |
44 |
LOKSATTA +face of woman |
41 |
LOKSEVA +cartoon of man |
29 |
LORD SOCKS +face of man |
25 |
LOTUS world of maths |
16 |
LOTUS world of phonics |
16 |
LOVE TREE +cartoon of chef |
25 |
LUCKY MAN +cartoon of man |
30 |
LULU mall world of happines |
36, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45 |
M MANSA art of special even |
29, 32 |
M MAREX symbol of trust |
25 |
M MEGA mark of trust +circl |
11 |
M.R.P. house of silver gold |
14 |
MAHARANI +face of girl |
3 |
MAHYCO art of leadership |
31 |
MAKVIN the symbol of trust |
19 |
MALWA college of nursing |
41 |
MAMA ANNA +cartoons of men |
43 |
MANGALAM house of quality |
29 |
MANJARABAD coffees of india |
30 |
MANYCO art of leadership |
31 |
MAOW +cartoon of cat & oval |
25 |
MARG a key of success |
9 |
MARINO PLUS symbol of trust |
25 |
MARTINS +cartoon of chef |
29 |
MASOOM +face of boy & girl |
28 |
MASTER MAXX +cartoon of boy |
21 |
MASTER SHINE +cartoon of bo |
21 |
MASTER SMART +cartoon of bo |
21 |
MASTIII +cartoon of insect |
16, 38, 41 |
MAVANI group of companies |
37 |
MAXIM group of companies |
31 |
MAXWELL range of pumps +arc |
7 |
MAYAR the soul of beauty |
5 |
MAZIC the test of gravity |
31 |
MB SPICES +cartoon of chef |
30 |
MBC +face of cat |
30 |
MBC +face of child |
30 |
MC SOFT +cartoon of boy |
3, 5, 16 |
MDH the real spice of india |
30 |
MEDHA institute of english |
41 |
MEDRC the heart of learning |
41 |
MEE & MUM +cartoon of child |
28 |
MELANA blend of fragrance |
3 |
MENTHODEX ml +face of man |
5 |
MILKY WAY galaxy of icecrea |
29, 30 |
MILMA +face of cow |
29 |
MINAR group of companies |
6 |
MIND ANT +cartoon of ant |
9, 35, 41, 42 |
MINTOO +face of child |
3 |
MISCHIEF +face of cat |
25 |
MISHTI the taste of bengal |
30 |
MITRATA MILK +cartoon of bo |
29 |
MIZUNO the world of sports |
25, 28 |
MIZZIGO +cartoon of bag |
8, 16, 18, 21, 24, 39 |
MMP the taste of real |
29 |
MOD-CLAV +cartoon of bat |
9, 28, 41 |
MOHINI & LOGO device of lad |
30 |
MOK +cartoon of face |
25 |
MOMOKA +face of woman |
25 |
MONEY-PUR land of plenty |
16 |
MONITA +cartoon of boy |
30 |
MOTI RANI +face of woman |
34 |
MOTU FOODS +cartoon of chef |
43 |
MR MILEAGE +cartoon of man |
41 |
MR. BIL +cartoon of man |
30 |
MR. MONDO +cartoon of frog |
9 |
MRA the taste of malabar |
30 |
MUDRA centre of learning |
16 |
MUKTA BIRI +face of man |
34 |
MUNNA +face of child |
3 |
MUNNA BRAND +face of child |
29 |
MUSTRAP +cartoon of mouse |
21 |
N +cartoon of rabbit |
29, 30 |
NAKSH a new ray of life |
14 |
NAMIT a symbol of quality |
11 |
NANDHINI real spice of life |
33 |
NANHE KADAM +cartoon of boy |
41 |
NARSINGH the taste of natur |
30 |
NASIR gold purest of pure |
14 |
NATURAL ice cream of juhu |
7, 30, 32 |
NAVKAR a symbol of success |
41 |
NCC mark of quality |
30 |
NECTAR-the joy of learning |
41 |
NECTOR +cartoon of boy |
30 |
NEOBAGS a neo way of workin |
22 |
NETA +face of man |
34 |
NFDC cinemas of india |
41 |
NGFC +cartoon of girl |
31 |
NIDS school of design |
16 |
NILA "promise of quality" |
30 |
NILE +cartoon of bird |
19 |
NIMRA group of institutions |
41 |
NINA +cartoon of dog |
24 |
NITCOCEM +king of spades |
2 |
NJ NAKODA the temple of gol |
14 |